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What is a dental resin? When do you need it?

by | Feb 27, 2023 | Dental news | 0 comments

Although visits to the dentist are important, they can make us uncomfortable. Knowing a little more about how some elements and techniques used to provide us with the smile we have always dreamed of can make us feel more confident. Among the most used materials, dental resin stands out, but few patients really know its benefits.
To reveal the mystery behind this incredible dental material, in this opportunity we are going to address everything related to dental resin. Its use in various treatments is a reconstruction alternative that you will surely want to consider, so join us to find out what it’s all about.

What is a dental resin?

Dental resin is a material that is used to replace or complete the missing part of a tooth that has deteriorated due to cavities. It is presented as a better option than traditional silver amalgam filling, as it offers better aesthetic results. After all, it usually has a similar appearance to a tooth.
Normally, dental resin is composed of a matrix and an inorganic filler, such as resin and silica, respectively. In addition to looking better, being translucent, dental resin is resistant to wear. It should be noted that the components can vary while providing different characteristics.

So, when do we need a dental resin?

  • Fill cavities in a molar.
  • Complete broken pieces of teeth.
  • A more aesthetic alternative to traditional amalgam.
  • Provide a better appearance to the dentition.

What are dental resins used for?

Having problems with our bite can pose a health risk, as well as an inconvenience in our daily lives. That is why we need a complete, adequate, and functional dentition. If we suffer any loss, either due to cavities or fractures, the dental resin can do a lot for us, and on this occasion, we mention how.

  • For whiter teeth: Covers stains with a lighter resin that adheres to the tooth surface.
  • Reduce the space between teeth or molars: Diastemas are spaces between two teeth and can be disguised, modifying the dimensions using dental resin.
  • Restore chipped pieces: The most common use of dental resin is the reconstruction of worn, fractured, or cracked teeth. The best thing is that it blends with the tooth, making it almost imperceptible.
  • Improve the shape of the teeth: Instead of resorting to expensive treatments, such as dental veneers, we can improve the incisal edges using dental resin, without compromising the enamel of the tooth.

Dental resin also offers functional advantages, serving as a filling or prosthesis for fractured teeth or decayed molars. In fact, it is the most widely used filling material today to fill, seal, and stop the spread of bacteria.

Types of Dental Resins

Previously, we mentioned that the composition of dental resin can vary. Although it has an organic resin-based matrix, the filler has an inorganic mineral material, such as aluminum silicate, zirconia, or quartz. Additionally, it may require a cohesive agent to properly bond both compounds.
This can result in different types of dental resins, with different materials, compositions, and percentages.

  • Microfilled: With particles between 0.01 and 0.05 µm. It has high aesthetic potential. It is used to fill cavities and correct shape and color.
  • Macrofilled: Known as traditional resins. Due to their very large particle size, they offer poor aesthetic results, which is why they are not widely used anymore.
  • Nanofilled: With particles smaller than 0.01 µm, they provide flawless finishes with great resistance to wear.
  • Hybrid: Thanks to its high resistance, it is used for restorations and reconstructions.
  • Modern Hybrid: It has incredible mechanical properties and great resistance. However, they lose their shine quickly as they are difficult to polish.

Each type of dental resin offers different characteristics. The dentist will recommend the most appropriate one for the treatment and our goals. Some are more affordable but less effective, while others are more resistant but less aesthetic. It is necessary to choose the one that best suits our needs.

Advantages of Dental Resin

Dental resin is the result of the most recent scientific advances in the field of stomatology, which offers dozens of benefits. Below, we will see some of the advantages it provides:

  • The color and texture are similar to those of natural teeth.
  • It has materials that adhere better to teeth.
  • The components of the resin are biocompatible with the body.
  • It is more practical and easy to manipulate for dentists.
  • It has great resistance to wear, tension, and fractures.
  • It can be applied to children, teenagers, adults, and seniors.

How Long Does Dental Resin Last? Failure Rate

Like a tooth, dental resin can suffer damage, leaks, and even fall out. The time it lasts properly adhered to the tooth can vary depending on our hygiene habits, the care and maintenance we give it, whether we suffer from problems like bruxism, and many other factors. However, it can last from 5 to 7 years and even up to 10 years.
Studies conducted in 2010 and 2012 reveal that dental resin has a lower failure rate compared to amalgams. While amalgams have a failure rate of 24% after 12 years, that of dental resin is only half.

How to Care for Dental Resin?

  • Do not bite into foods that could chip your teeth.
  • Avoid foods that stain the resin.
  • Maintain good dental hygiene.
  • Use protectors if you practice impact sports or suffer from bruxism.
  • Quit smoking.
  • Make regular visits to the dentist.

When Should Dental Resin Be Replaced?

Although dental resin can last for years fulfilling its function, in some cases it may reach the end of its useful life prematurely. To know when we should replace the resin with a new one, it is best to visit a professional regularly to detect the presence of leaks. Otherwise, bacteria or food debris can accumulate and cause cavities.
Dental resin offers a wide range of benefits and uses compared to other filling materials. At Prodent, we believe it is the best option to stop the impact of cavities and even if you just want to improve the appearance of your teeth. Remember that it is necessary to have the opinion of a professional, so contact us to help you choose the type of dental resin that best suits you.

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