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Rotten Teeth: Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment Options

Broken or fractured teeth are a common situation that can affect anyone at any point in their life. It is not only an aesthetic problem, but it can also be harmful and affect the ability to chew properly. In this article, we will explore the causes, symptoms, and treatment options for broken teeth.

Causes of broken teeth

Dental fractures can be caused by a variety of factors, including:

  • Physical trauma: This is one of the most common causes of broken teeth, which can include falls, strong blows to the mouth, or accidents that cause damage to the oral area.
  • Chewing on hard foods: Chewing on hard foods such as nuts, hard candies, or ice can also cause damage to teeth and lead to their fracture.
  • Bruxism: This is a condition in which a person involuntarily clenches or grinds their teeth, which can cause dental wear and eventually lead to serious fractures.
  • Dental diseases: Certain dental diseases, such as cavities or gum diseases, can weaken teeth and make them more prone to breaking.


Broken teeth can lead to significant damage to our oral health. Depending on the severity of the damage and the location of the broken tooth, some common symptoms may include:

  • Tooth or jaw pain
  • Dental sensitivity to cold or heat
  • Inflammation of the gums around the broken tooth
  • Difficulty chewing or speaking
  • Changes in the appearance of teeth, such as chips or missing fragments


  • During a dental evaluation:
  • The condition of the jaw and the broken tooth is analyzed.
  • A physical examination is carried out to determine if there is excessive displacement or mobility of the dental piece.
  • An orthoradial radiograph is performed to verify the condition of the tooth.

Treatment options for broken teeth

The treatment for broken teeth will depend on the severity of the damage and the location of the broken tooth. Here are some common treatment options:

  • Dental filling: If the broken tooth is small and does not affect the internal structure of the tooth, it may be possible to repair it with a dental filling. This involves cleaning the damaged area and filling it with a filling material to restore the appearance and functionality of the tooth.
  • Dental crown: If the damage is larger and affects the internal structure of the tooth, a dental crown may be recommended. This involves removing a part of the damaged tooth and replacing it with a dental crown, which is a cover that is placed over the tooth to restore its appearance and functionality.
  • Endodontics: If the broken tooth has damaged the dental pulp, which is the soft tissue in the center of the tooth that contains nerves and blood vessels, an endodontic treatment may be necessary. This involves removing the damaged dental pulp and replacing it with a filling material to prevent infections and preserve the tooth.
  • Dental extraction: In severe cases where the tooth is too damaged to be repaired, it may be necessary to extract the tooth. If this occurs, we can recommend dental replacement options such as a dental implant or dentures.


Broken teeth can be caused by various reasons, including physical trauma, chewing on hard foods, bruxism, and dental diseases. Symptoms may vary depending on the severity of the damage and may include pain, dental sensitivity, gum inflammation, difficulty chewing or speaking, and changes in the appearance of teeth.

Treatment will depend on the severity of the damage and may include dental filling, dental crown, endodontic treatment, or dental extraction. If you experience a broken tooth, it is important to seek dental attention as soon as possible to avoid complications and preserve long-term oral health.


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