Inflammation of the gum around your wisdom teeth can cause intense pain in the area. This discomfort can be caused by several factors, including impacted third molars, partial eruption, or cavities, which are the most common causes.
It is crucial not to ignore this pain as it is a clear sign that something is not right with our oral health, which can lead to complications. Regular visits to a dental specialist are essential in this case.
Below are some tips on how to reduce the inflammation of the gum around your wisdom tooth.
How to reduce inflammation of the gum around your wisdom tooth?
Wisdom teeth are the last teeth to emerge and break through the gums. These teeth develop at the back of the mouth, and there are usually four wisdom teeth in total, one on each side of the upper and lower gums, in the farthest part of the mouth. It is important to know at what average age the third molars come out to be prepared.
Although it is generally possible to relieve common discomforts caused by eruption, it is important to consult a dental specialist to check the overall situation of our oral health and its relationship with third molars.
What causes inflammation of the gum around your wisdom tooth?
As we have indicated, there are many causes that can cause pain in wisdom teeth. However, the most common are:
Lack of space
Since wisdom teeth are the last to appear, our mouth usually doesn’t have enough space to accommodate them, resulting in impaction or partial eruption that can lead to inflammation and pain in the area. It can also cause crowding due to the same lack of space, which leads to inflammation, cavities, and other dental complications.
Pericoronitis is a condition that causes redness, inflammation, and infection in the gum. This usually occurs when third molars erupt, and immediate treatment is required since the sharp pain can affect the ear.
Wisdom teeth are prone to cavities due to their difficult cleaning after eruption. Therefore, tooth decay is a common cause of inflammation of the gum around wisdom teeth. It is essential to visit a dental professional to determine the cause of the pain in these teeth and find an appropriate solution to reduce the inflammation of the gum around your wisdom tooth.
Tips for relieving pain due to inflammation of the gum around your wisdom tooth
If you notice the appearance of one or more wisdom teeth, it is essential to visit a dentist to check that everything is in order. In the meantime, you can take the following measures at home to relieve pain in case of constant discomfort:
- Perform a more intense oral cleaning; using less aggressive elements such as dental floss and mouthwash.
- Use natural products such as garlic, spices, or black tea to prevent the formation of bacteria in the oral cavity.
- Take anti-inflammatory medications, which can help relieve pain temporarily.
- Rinse your mouth with warm salt water to relieve moderate pain.
- Place cold and hot compresses on your cheek for 20 minutes to reduce inflammation of the gum around your wisdom tooth.
However, remember that although these tips can temporarily relieve pain, it is advisable to consult a professional, preferably an orthodontist, to solve the problem at its root.
If you are experiencing the eruption of wisdom teeth, it is important to take preventive measures to reduce the risk of gum infections. Some practical actions you can take include:
- Practice good oral hygiene: Brush your teeth twice a day, use dental floss and mouthwash to reduce bacteria in the mouth that can cause infections.
- Drink enough water: This helps to eliminate food and bacteria from the teeth and gums.
- Avoid sweet foods: As they can get stuck in the injured gums, stimulating the growth of bacteria.
How long can wisdom tooth pain last?
It all depends on the patient. Wisdom tooth pain can last for hours, months, or even years. It can also come and go progressively or irregularly. At Prodent, we recommend seeking the diagnosis and treatment of wisdom teeth from our specialists. We are experts in oral surgery, orthodontics, and general dentistry, always with the best technology in the industry.