by ProdentMX | Apr 19, 2023 | Sin categoría
Wisdom teeth, also known as third molars or “cordales” in Spanish, tend to emerge between the ages of 17 and 21, although they can also come in earlier or later depending on a person’s genetics. Contrary to popular belief, wisdom teeth can come in...
by ProdentMX | Mar 20, 2023 | Sin categoría
Inflammation of the gum around your wisdom teeth can cause intense pain in the area. This discomfort can be caused by several factors, including impacted third molars, partial eruption, or cavities, which are the most common causes. It is crucial not to ignore this...
by ProdentMX | Feb 25, 2023 | Sin categoría
Tooth whitening is a non-invasive treatment that enhances the aesthetics of the teeth by treating their shade and placement. The agents used remove stains and discoloration caused by excessive consumption of certain substances. When performed by professionals, the...