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At what age do wisdom teeth come in?

by | Apr 19, 2023 | Sin categoría | 0 comments

Wisdom teeth, also known as third molars or “cordales” in Spanish, tend to emerge between the ages of 17 and 21, although they can also come in earlier or later depending on a person’s genetics.  Contrary to popular belief, wisdom teeth can come in without complications or symptoms. However, in some cases, they can cause discomfort and retention of the wisdom teeth, a common problem that requires immediate treatment. 

What else should you know? At Prodent, we share all the necessary information.

What are wisdom teeth?

Wisdom teeth, also known as third molars, are the last teeth to come in and are the last large molars in the back of the mouth. The development and possible extraction of wisdom teeth depend on the available space in the mouth for each of these molars. Usually, the growth of wisdom teeth can be detected through certain symptoms such as pain, swelling or even infection in some cases. 

Wisdom teeth

However, this symptomatology is not always experienced when wisdom teeth are growing. At what age do wisdom teeth come in? As we have indicated, wisdom teeth usually come in between the ages of 17 and 25

Other data suggest that 25% of the population is missing at least one of these teeth, while 10% do not have any at all. Since they are the last teeth to erupt, and they do so so late, most people tend to have problems with the complete eruption of their wisdom teeth. 

The rest of the teeth (which already have their place) do not always leave enough space for the wisdom teeth to come in and develop properly. Hence, the difficulties with the positioning of the third molars, which lead to oral complications such as: 

  • Dental misalignment, possible damage to adjacent teeth, and infections
  • Intense pain in the jaw, head, and neck area 
  • Cavities and gum diseases. 

However, well-positioned wisdom teeth can develop normally without causing infections or harming the rest of the teeth.

How long does wisdom tooth pain last?

The duration of wisdom tooth pain can vary, as it depends on several factors. If the pain is caused by an infection or obstruction, it may persist until the underlying cause is eliminated. Generally, the duration of the pain can be from a few hours to a few weeks, depending on the severity of the situation and the treatment received.

How to ease wisdom tooth pain

Especially due to their location, wisdom teeth can cause sharp and persistent pain that can affect our quality of life. If you experience discomfort from the eruption of your wisdom teeth, it is ideal to consult with a specialist to receive the proper treatment to relieve the discomfort, as well as the necessary preparation for future treatment. In the meantime, there are some measures you can take to relieve the pain:

  • Apply cold compresses to the affected area
  • Place an ice pack wrapped in a towel on the cheek for about 15 minutes
  • Rinse your mouth with warm salt water to reduce inflammation and pain.

As an additional recommendation:

  • Avoid eating hard or sticky foods
  • Consume soft foods to avoid irritating the affected area.

But above all, remember that these measures are temporary and do not replace a consultation with a dental health professional.

Causes of impacted wisdom teeth

Wisdom teeth may present partial retention, where part of the crown is visible but without complete eruption. Or they may never penetrate the gum, resulting in a complete retention problem. Both partial and complete retention can result in the following with wisdom teeth:

  • Growing at an angle against the second molar
  • Growing at an angle against the back of the mouth
  • Growing at a right angle against another tooth, as if it were “lying” inside the jawbone
  • Growing upwards or downwards, but trapped inside the jawbone.

Is it good to remove wisdom teeth?

Not necessarily. As long as the patient requires the proper extraction of their wisdom teeth, the procedure should be performed under high standards of quality and asepsis. These include specialized techniques and personalized attention for the patient

If there are no issues, you can keep your wisdom teeth and lead a common life that includes professional oral hygiene maintenance to extend the useful life of the teeth.

What does wisdom tooth extraction entail?

The process of extracting wisdom teeth may vary depending on the depth of impaction. In some cases, the extraction is carried out similarly to that of any other molar:

  • After administering anesthesia, the dentist or oral surgeon widens the alveolus using a special instrument and then moves the tooth back and forth until it loosens enough to be extracted.


  • If the extraction is more complex, it may be necessary to make an incision in the gums and remove part of the jawbone to reach the tooth.
  • After extracting the wisdom tooth, the specialist may close the wound with stitches
  • The duration of the procedure varies, with most cases lasting only a few minutes, while more complicated cases can take much longer.

The orthodontic treatment, it should be noted, often requires the extraction of the third molars.

What should I expect after wisdom tooth extraction?

After wisdom tooth extraction, it is important to rest until the anesthesia wears off:

  • If local anesthesia was used, you may have to wait several hours to regain sensitivity in the jaw, so you should avoid chewing food or drinking hot beverages.
  • Before you leave, the dentist or oral surgeon will give you recommendations on the necessary care for recovery. They may prescribe painkillers, antibiotics, and mouthwash solutions to take home.
  • The duration of the pain will depend on each case, but following the specialist’s instructions will help relieve discomfort.
  • Absorbable sutures or stitches will disappear on their own in a week, while non-absorbable stitches will be removed after a week of surgery.

In general, a long period of rest is not necessary, and recovery is usually uncomplicated. But, it is important to follow up to evaluate healing.

Do you need a specialized diagnosis and treatment? At Prodent Mx, we take care of your dental health with the best technology, professionalism, and immediate attention. With our professional services, you can get the best evaluation and treatment for your wisdom teeth.

We guarantee the highest standards of quality and personalized attention from the beginning. Schedule your appointment and discover the difference we can make for you!


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